Sunday, March 27, 2011

Enjoying the Journey

A few days ago, I was talking with a good friend of mine about my culinary journey and its adventures and about all the things I want to do but I don’t have enough time …to do them! She simply answered to me – Do as much as you can and the most important thing is to enjoy the journey! It’s so true and I am so glad she said that to me! I try to remind myself of that all the time and I try to read my favorite’s poet K. Kavafes’ masterpiece (in my opinion) Ithaka – a poet which is all about the life journey and that it’s upto us to make it rich …

So this past week I tried to put things in perspective and stop dwelling on the ideas I have but I have no time to implement and focus on things I can do ... so this past Thursday I took a demonstration class with one my favorite chefs in the Sacramento area – Michael Tuohy. I thoroughly enjoyed the class and needless to say I had a delicious dinner which consisted of carnaroli risotto with asparagus and baby artichokes, halibut with Spring vegetable ragout and strawberry crisp. Michael Tuohy is the executive chef at Grange restaurant in Sacramento. I love all the food on the menu at this restaurant. The reason why I am drawn to his cooking is because he loves to cook with fresh local ingredients. It doesn’t take a lot to win me over to some style of cooking if it involves seasonal, fresh and local vegetables! A great way of cooking that I hope more of us adapt and follow.
Here is one of my favorite salad recipes that I created using seasonal vegetables. Try it and let me know what you think. It’s also a powerhouse of vitamins and anti-oxidants based on the ingredients that it has so you can fully enjoy it.

Crunchy Asparagus Salad

1 bunch asparagus or 8 stalks
½ cup roasted chopped walnuts
½ cup roasted pine nuts
1/3 cup roasted sesame seeds
1 garlic clove finely chopped
1 large red beet
1 cup chopped celery
½ cup crumbled feta
½ cup virgin olive oil
¼ cup wine vinegar
2 teaspoons pomegranate syrup or
substitute with some fresh pomegranate juice

First prepare the dressing.
In a bowl mix the olive oil, finely chopped garlic, wine vinegar and pomegrante syrup. Wisk well and set aside.

Cook the beet in boiling water. Let it cool off and remove the skin.
Cut in small cubes.
Wash the celery stalks and cut in small cubes.
Cut the bottom part of the asparagus which are not tender.
Place in a steamer and cook for 5 minutes or until you can easily fork them.
Don’t overcook them because we want them to maintain their crunchiness.
Cut in small bite size pieces and place in a salad bowl. Add the beet and celery.
Add the pine nuts, chopped walnuts and roasted sesame seeds into the salad.

Drizzle over the dressing. Toss well. Sprinkle the feta on top and serve.

You can also use other types of beets other than the red ones and you can mix and match! Remember that bright colors are appetizing!

Makes 4-6 servings

I love this salad because it’s easy to make and it’s tasty. The crunchy part of it is great for me since I love crunchy food!

Καλη ορεξη!

Till next time stay well!


  1. It was good to see you at the class. The salad sounds delicious..I love asparagus so I'm going to try this.

  2. Hi Eileen - replying late to you as I have been taking some time off due to family emergencies. Have you tried the salad? This is a salad I put together using some of my favorite ingredients!
