Sunday, August 7, 2011

Delicious Plum Marmalade for All Year Round

Just before the harvest!

 Cooking and creating in the kitchen is quite therapeutic for me. Since my spirits have been on the low side the last couple of months, I opted in for the kitchen therapy!

Since my plum tree gave me lots of juicy and delicious plums as it has been religiously doing for the last four years I decided to make some marmalade; a good solution for using all that fruit which by no means I could consume it fresh! :-)

Getting ready for the marmalade production
 My tree gives me about 20 pounds of fruit which is amazing for this young tree!
I made enough marmalade to last me through the winter months and also give away to my friends.

You can use fewer plums so you don’t end up with such a production like mine!

Plum Marmalade

11 pounds fresh plums
14 cups sugar
Juice of 3 large lemons

Wash all the fruit well in cold water. Peel the skin off the plums if they are very ripe otherwise leave it on. Cut the plums and discard the pits.
Place in a deep saucepan. No water is needed if the fruit is ripe.
Let is come to a boil on medium-high heat. Stir a few times with a wooden spoon.
Reduce the heat to low. Stir more frequently so that the fruit doesn’t stick or burn at the bottom. Cook until all the fruit is puree.
I like having pieces of the fruit in my marmalade so I don’t put it through a sieve.
Measure the fruit to determine how much sugar you will add.
For every cup of fruit puree I add a cup of sugar.
Place the measured fruit and sugar in a deep saucepan. Turn the heat to high and stir with a wooden spoon. Once it comes to a boil reduce the heat to very low. Continuously stir the mixture so it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pot.
The fruit mixture will start to thicken.
After about 15 minutes add the juice of the three lemons.
Cook for another 30 minutes or until the marmalade thickens a bit.
It should drop from a spoon but not as liquid.
To make sure that it’s ready place one teaspoon of the marmalade in a small plate and let it cool off. Once you can separate it and it’s not completely liquid the marmalade is ready.

Let it cool off completely before placing into sterilized jars.

Marmalade is ready!
 Makes 22 jars – approximate size 3 ½ inches height and 2 ½ width
Love the Outcome!
 Enjoy and share the abundance!

Litsa - Λιτσα