Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Jewels of Northern California and Cyprus

Narrow and winding roads, green hills, virgin farmlands, and countless animals - cows, goats, sheep, and gorgeous horses - grazing everywhere make magnificent scenery. All these lead us to the little village of Plymouth in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Plymouth is located in Amador County, next to the Shenandoah Valley, a beautiful wine country. Most people are familiar with the Napa and Sonoma wine countries but many are not aware of the Amador County where some of the best American wines are produced. Apart from that, it is also an utterly beautiful area, not commercialized nor saturated with small wineries. Along historic Highway 49 which leads to Plymouth, one can experience the serenity and laid back atmosphere of many pleasant and strikingly old-fashioned small towns - all from the gold-rush era. Many of these little western towns were established as mining camps when prospectors came to find gold and other precious metals in the 1800s. We are so fortunate to continue enjoying them today!

 Most towns offer leisurely strolls along antique shops, old bars and quaint small restaurants. In the winter, they are surrounded by the busy ski slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountain range where locals and tourists converge to enjoy their winter sports. I am among the crowd that fills the cozy and warm ski rescue areas where they serve coffee and food.  I think snow is beautiful as long as I can simply look at it and not play in it!

Folsom, California
 As I am traveling on these serpentine, shoestring country roads, my mind is 8,000 miles away on one of the main roads that take me to Famagusta – a narrow bi-directional road in my homeland of Cyprus. I am 10 years old traveling with my parents and sister to my father’s village near the town of Famagusta, very close to the ancient city of Salamis. Spring is my favorite time of the year to go there. I see the green fields of Amador County and, at the same time, I see the flax and wheat fields of Mesaoria, the largest valley in Cyprus. Along the road there are many villages with numerous farms. To this day, I can name most of the villages along the main Famagusta road. Flax is in full bloom and the lilac color covers acres of fertile land. My mind travels in and out of both continents. I cannot stop it. I don’t tell my daughter – my co-driver - that I am in two places simultaneously. I fear that she may not understand.

Part of me has a deep bond with the farmlands of the world and the earth that bears our food. This is why, on my birthday, I want to be in the countryside with my loving daughter while adding some style to it! What a better way to celebrate one’s birthday than sharing a meal and strengthening a loving bond over food? On my birthday, I always have two strong feelings – happiness because I am alive and healthy, and shock that another year has gone by so quickly!  It’s my birthday and I want to share my happiness with my beautiful daughter so off we go to a very nice restaurant in the countryside. My careful local culinary research leads us to “Taste”. Drive up the short main street in Plymouth and you will easily discover this lovely dining establishment. Walk into this beautiful restaurant for either lunch or dinner and you will not forget the dining experience. It will be a treat!
Taste Restaurant, Plymouth, California
 I decide to have this special treat with my daughter. I start my culinary experience with a glass of local merlot wine and share an appetizer with my date - lobster Americaine – puff pastry filled with lobster in a light creamy sauce accompanied by root vegetables and locally grown greens. It is simply delicious. My main course is Grimaud Farms Duck Confit.  My gorgeous date decides to splurge on Creekstone Farms filet mignon with German butterball potato cake, asparagus tempura with some green garlic aioli. I have a bite of her steak and, I must admit, it is one of the best steaks I have ever tasted – tender and not chewy. I could tell the quality of meat is different. The taste of the meat is different. It comes from farms where animals are not confined in small cages but allowed to roam free range in their natural environment grazing and enjoying the sun. The fact that I give the steak a very high rating is a compliment because it comes from a non-steak lover!

 I love duck meat so I try it in every restaurant that has it on their menus. Hence, I’ve tried many different styles of cooking duck. Well, in so many years, this is the second time I have duck prepared in a way that I love. I thoroughly capture the moment with every tasty bite! It is Duck Confit – duck fat pound cake, pain perdue, strawberry kejap, tat soi (salad greens), and local strawberry crème fraiche. All in all, it is a treat to my palette!

We finish my birthday celebration with chocolate desserts. They arrive at our table on beautifully decorated white plates with wishes written in calligraphy using dark chocolate! Designs made with caramelized sugar make the desserts even more inviting!  My written wish is “Happy 25th Birthday” and I love it! I can’t believe they know my exact age!  (I actually had told our lovely waiter, Michael, a few minutes earlier.) Our entire dining experience is exquisite because the food is delicious, the presentation of the dishes unmistakably appetizing, the service so very smooth and no rush to eat quickly to turn our table over. From the service, to the food, to the overall ambiance, I give it a 10 out of 10!

Story Winery, Plymouth, California
 I leave Plymouth content. I have read that “contentment is a form of happiness that goes beyond the senses of taste, smell, sound, and vision.”  Yes, I feel content. Every taste has a feeling. My lovely companion shares the same feelings, and that makes me even happier!

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